Fanna: Annihilation
Size: 24×18
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

The real Karma is the reaction of the mind. So long as conditioning remains in the mind we cannot be secured or be at peace. To remove this root cause of suffering to have lasting happiness and liberation, the method is the training of wisdom, panna, which leads one to enlightenment. True wisdom is the understanding of one’s own nature, an understanding achieved by direct experience of truth deep within oneself. You achieve Nirvana, by freeing your mind from all conditioning, you surrender, submit to the unknown, to the consciousness, with the truth, and you enjoy bliss. Freedom from the cycle of suffering, freedom from the cycle of birth and rebirth, and unite with the One.

Sidratul Muntaha
Size: 24×18
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Just as the lotus grows up from the darkness of the mud to the surface of the water, opening its blossom
only after it has raised itself beyond the surface, and remaining unsullied from both earth and water, which nourished it- in the same way the mind, born in the human body, unfolds its true qualities (petals) after it has raised itself beyond the turbid floods of passions and ignorance, and transforms the dark powers of the depths into the radiantly pure nectar of Enlightenment-consciousness (bodhi-chitta), the incomparable jewel (mani) in the lotus-blossom (padma).

Om Mani Padma Hum.

Asmaul Husna
The mystic maze
Size: 24”x18”
Date: 28.1.2019
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

The experience of the infinite is within us

Miraj: demystify the glory of the night
Size: 24”x36”
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

“We hear and we obey
We seek your forgiveness
Our Lord and to You
Is the final destination…”
Surah Baqarah

The realisation of the ephemeral nature of the self and the world is the key that opens the door to liberation.

Fana Fillah: Dissolving into the supreme light
Size: 25’x5’

“I was a hidden Treasure I desired to be recognized so I created the creature” -Hadith Qudsi

Size: 24”x25”
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

The agony of lovers
Burns with the fire of passion
Lovers leave traces of where they’ve been
The wailing of the broken hearts
Is the doorway to God.