Unification of The Consciousness

Through the splitting of the primordial principle at the advent of creation the duality within our lives came into being, together with a strong force that is constantly striving to re-unite with the other part.

Shiva and Shakti are manifestations of the all-in-one divine. When Shiva, the masculine and Shakti, the feminine unite, they create out of joy. We are manifested through the vehicle of the Mother. The Mother converts spirit into matter. Like E=mc^2. Energy transforms into matter.

Behind the Mother, or beyond the Mother, lies the Father. The Father is formless in which the spirit exists with no matter. Shiva and Shakti exist within each of us as the masculine and feminine principles.

Each gives rise to the other, neither exists independent of the other and each is contained within the other. The Divine Mother lives within us as energy and vitality, and the Divine Father resides within us as consciousness and knowledge. They play and unite in their infinite love and lead all of us to the cosmic consciousness.

Leela: Liberation in unification

There is a sphere of experience that is beyond the entire field of matter and mind, that is neither this world nor another world nor both. Neither arising, nor passing away, nor abiding, neither dying nor rebirth. It is without support, without development, without foundation. This is the end of suffering.
Anatta: The absence of ego  Size: 24×18  Medium: Acrylic on canvas  Date:5.7.2017


There is no ‘I’, no permanent self or ego. The ego is an illusion created by the combination of mental and physical processes. Having explored the body and mind to the deepest level, one sees that there is no immutable core, no essence that remains independent of the process, nothing that is exempt from the law of impermanence. There is only an impersonal phenomenon, changing beyond one’s control.


The Kindredspirits

The dark night of the soul comes just before revelation. When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed.

Joseph Campbell

Churning of the time Size: 24”x36” Date: May 2018 Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Churning of the time

What you seek is seeking you.


I am He whom I love,
and He whom I love is I;
We are two spirits
dwelling in one body.
If thou seest me, 
thou seest Him,
And if thou seest Him, 
thou seest us both.




….they will only see everything evil that man has ever imagined but no glimpse of splendor, no glimpse of clarity, no glimpse of grace. They see only fear, danger- danger to their morality, danger to their religion, danger to all they think is valuable.


This exhibition is supported by  BRITISH COUNCIL. Live on WOW Global 24 from 9.30am GMT 27-28 June, 2020.
Digital Exhibition Curated by SHEHAB RAHMANIA.
Further information ayreen@icanfoundation.space

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